Tuesday 31 July 2012

Dissertation HRM


The research proposal document is written to show the lack of Management in an organization  with respect to a privatization of a Govt. Organization due to lack of management and poor policies of the Govt. This document is complete study on the PTCL(Pakistan Telecommunication Ltd). 
Company Overview.
With the total number of employees 30,000 and 5.7 million consumers,  PTCL is one of the largest telecommunication service provider in the Pakistan. This organization is also one of the largest provider of CDMA operator the Pakistan with the 0.8 million V.Fone consumers. The company is still in a position of maintaining to provide the infrastructure to other telecom service providers. The PTCL is only one company who laid his optical fibre in most of the cities of Pakistan.  In Pakistan PTCL is the sole provider of the landline telephone means PTCL have the monopoly in this area of service. Pakistan Telecommunication is offering both national and International services all over the Pakistan and the all equipment interrelated to the manufacture of telecommunication. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd, have the monopoly till the year of 2002 to provide the basic services of Telephone. In 2003 Pakistan has announce the deregulation police in which Pakistan has given rights to private sector to provide the facilities to the customers.
Company Background.
The PTCL started as Pakistan Post and Telegraph  in 1947 which later on changed with the name Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph department in the year of 1962. Due to monopoly and being a Govt, Organization PTCL starts first PTCL working under the Telecommunication Corporation act of 1991 later on will changed and became under the Ordinance of 1995 which gives the company more grip to the market. October 1996 PTCL became under the act of Pakistan Telecommunication Reorganization Act and listed in all the stock exchanges and in the .
Telecommunication Industry in Pakistan.
“ Telecommunication deals with the service of providing electrical communication at a distance. The service is supported by an by an industry that depends on a large body of increasingly specialized scientists, engineers, and craftspeople”( Rogar L . Freeman 2004)
“According to Carl R Nassar (nd) When information is transmitted from one place to other place using technical support is known as telecommunication.
Telecommunication Industry in Pakistan.
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is responsible for the operations to promote the telecom industry in Pakistan. Before the Pakistan  Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act 1996 was introduce in Pakistan the only organization PTCL was given the basic telephonic services and in cellular mobile services Mobilink, Paktel & Instaphone was in the market.
In Pakistan Telecommunication industry is consist on six sectors.
1. Cellular Sector.
2. Landline Sector.
3. Wireless Sector.
4. Internet Services.
5. Payphone Services Sector.
6. Voice over IP.

(source; website)
After the deregulation Act The  Pakistan Telecommunication Sector  has grown up very sharply and became a major participator in the economy of Pakistan. By breaking the monopoly of the Pakistan Telecommunication Ltd. And giving licence to other cellular companies Pakistan in generating a high volume of investment in the telecommunication industry. In 2007 overall teledensity of Pakistan reached at 52.8% in December 2008 (Source PTA). During the financial year of 2006-07 total revenue generated by telecom sector in Pakistan was Rs.236 billion total investment made during the year was $4.12 billion and telecom sector shared 2.0% to the GDP and telecom sector receiving FDI is US $1.8billion which is the 35% of total FDI . Mobile sector paid approximately paid  Rs.63 million taxes during the financial year and the growth ration of the cellular subscriber is 2.3million every month. Telecom sector is covering almost the 90% of the total population of Pakistan. (Source PTA ).
Problem Definitions.
The purpose of this research on the PTCL is evaluate the organizational miss management and  to show the problems accurse when the management is not fully interested with the organization and to see the poor strategies adopted against the competitors.              
RQ1.Why PTCL failed to stay in the Market after De Organization Act 1995.
RQ2. How demotivation of employees  became the cause of failure of an organization.
RQ3. Does only monopoly can be the reason for success.
The basic objective of this research to get the outcome and explore the problems  that happens due to mismanagement and lack of motivation of the employees. And how the strategies play an important role in the organization to develop the organizational infrastructure .
To explore the Causes of demotivation of employees.
To explore the poor marketing strategies of PTCL.
To explore the mismanagement of PTCL.
To explore the causes of Privatization of PTCL.
 Literature Review.
This research is based on three different lines of the business world. In this research we will come to know the different operations of the business that are the key factors for business to be stay in the market for a longer period of Time. In this research we will came to know that how much strategies of and motivation of the employees are necessary for a business to run their operations and also about the factor of monopoly.
“Business performance  is a collection of strategies that involve enterprise resource planning and linked with customer services and technological innovations. Business process management has different levels that when in sync with one another will allow a company to come up with wise implementation decisions and move in closer to the way their business process management involve a lot of aspects, mostly managerial in nature”(Gerard blokdijk 2008 )
“in this emerging competitive environment, the ultimate success of the single business will depend on the management’s ability to integrate the business intricate network of business relationships” ( Cecile nieuwenhuizen,2008) The businesses  are in this highly competitive environment needs the special abilities of the management to work on the market and do the right things on the right time. And a strong grip on the market to check the needs of the customers that are changing day by day due to the invocations and creations that are happing very fastly in the business world.
“Management  learns to see and appreciate the rich environment of opportunities that grow from cooperative relationships with other contributors to the ecosystem. Rather than trying to force suppliers into low prices or customers into high prices”(Richard L Draft,2008).
“It is the responsibilities  of the management to look forward to the problems that might accurse in the future and also needs to design a strategy  to solve the problems and look for the opportunities and put a simply planning is deciding to what to be done in future and to determine the for the whom it is to be done(Gitman,2009).
“ Organizations needs the skill full management to perform and stay in the market management needs to create a environment  and developed the leader ship concepts in to the organizations. The management needs developed the task oriented skills into the organizations like organizational structure, design, and control to attain the organization objective and management also needs to work on the person oriented skills like they should enhance the behaviour that promote collaborative interaction among the organization members” (Julie Battilana et al. 2010)
Lack of motivation of the employees is one of the major reasons for the failure of the organizations the employees are the key role of the organizations they are the human capital for the organization which needs to be addressed with care.
“Organizations cannot be all things to all people. They can only accommodate a range of divergent interests and aspirations among the staff insofar as these can be mad to accord witch their divergences and conflicts of interests are most common in multinational hierarchies, and public and health services, where the organization style and structure is either inefficient, or irrelevant, to the true purpose of the organization concerned” ( page 37 managing the flexible work force Richard pettinger 1998)
“B.F, skinner(1954) has presented the theory of reinforcement on learning and motivational theories skinner presented the association between the behaviour and rewards. Positive reinforcement occurs when behaviour is followed by a reward, which increase the probability that the behaviour will be repeated. As a learning mechanism, positive reinforcement, is useful in pointing out when the correct behaviours and skills are demonstrated in training and on the job”(Frank j land,2007)
“It is difficult for the owner of the firm to keep control over its cost when the firm has monopoly power on the product market. Thus, a monopolist may produce given outputs at a higher cost than a competitive firm”(Jean tirole,1988). Being the monopolist firms the management and the employees of the organizations are not really much interested in the towards the operations of the business because the customers are forced to get the goods from the respective firms and customers have no choice to go for alternative.
“Similar different theories discredited the free market monopoly because the primary one concerns the actual ability of monopoly firms or a group of colluding firms to restrict the market supply and realize monopoly prices and profits. Although a firm may intend to restrict market supply and garner monopoly profits the ability of free-market monopoly to achieve that result is questionable”(D.T.Armentano,1986) Organization are failed when we try to break the monopoly because the management that is working in monopolist organization are not very much aware of market segmentations because they have not to do much more than selling of their products because people bought their products actually they are not selling their products.
1. Research Methodology
To answer research question and objectives one needs to collect data and it requires a proper research methodology. Saunders et al(2003) has proposed ‘The research process Onion’ which has different layers, which describe how through different layers one explains the issues underlying the choice of data collection.




The Research Process Onion
Source: “Research methods For Business students”, Saunders (2003)

Research Philosophy
 According to Saunders (2003) the research philosophy depends upon the way of thinking of the researcher about the development of the knowledge in the complete research process. The three main type of research philosophies are positivism, interpretivism and realism. Ill follow interpretivism philosophy for my research as Saunders (2003) argues that different interpretations of people affect their social interactions with others so these actions can be seen as being significant. According to Saunders (2003) “The interpretivism is associated with the social constructionist which views reality as being socially constructed. And the role of Interpretivism seeks to understand the subjective reality of those that they study to make sense and understand their motives, actions and interpretations in a meaning full way”. Interpretivism follows a more inductive research approach, where theory isn’t the starting point but it’s the result of observations and other findings. Interpretivism doesn’t agree that human nature is like a natural science but says that human nature is very subjective. According to Bryman, (2004) the study of social phenomena is subjective one and can neither be deduced down to laws nor considered definitive.
Research Approach and Strategies

According to Saunders at el  (2003) research is of two types one is deductive approach which  involves the development of theory and hypothesis and designs a research strategy to test the hypothesis and the inductive approach the data is collected and theory is developed as a result of data analysis. The main difference between these two approaches is that in deductive approach there is a collection of quantative data and approach moves from theory to data where as in inductive approach there is close understanding of research context. Ill be following inductive research approach because the issues like mismanagement  cannot be simply deduced into some casual law or model. These issues are very subjective and should be interpreted as such.
According to Saunders et al (2003) a research strategy is a plan of how researcher can answer his research questions and objectives. The most widely used research approaches are experiment, case studies and surveys. . As Ill be using interpretivist research approach so I have different research methods available to carry out my research. As my research will discuss the issue of mismanagement  so ill use the case study approach. In case study approach we can use many data collection methods like questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Ill be using interviews and questionnaires to collect data. According to Saunders et al (2003) interviews can help to collect valid and reliable data which is relevant to research questions and objectives.  Interviews can be structured, semi structured and unstructured. I will be using structured interviews. It would not be possible for me to interview every single person in the PTCL  office so ill also use questionnaires.
Sampling Technique
According to Saunders et al (2003) the Sampling techniques provide a range of methods that enable you to reduce the amount of data you need to collect by considering only data from a subgroup rather than all cases or elements. Ill be using purposive sampling technique. It will help me to use my own judgment to select samples which will be able to answer my research question and objectives. Ill take minimum 10 interviews and questionnaires will be send minimum 50 people.
Reliability, Validity, Generalisability
According to Easterby-Smith et al (2002) reliability can be checked by asking three questions. The first question is will the measures yield the same results on other occasions? The second question is will similar observations be reached by other observers and the third question is is there transparency in how sense was made from the raw data? The four main threats to reliability are participant error, participant bias, and observer error and observer bias. As a researcher ill keep number of things in mind that when I go for interview the participant have enough time so that they show keen interest and their responses are not affected by lack of time or inappropriate time. Ill also make sure that all the participants in my research clearly knows that the research work I am doing is purely for my study and the and the views of all the participants will remain confidential. As I know few of my friends working in the company but it will not make my researched biased. Ill keep all friendship relationships on a side so that my research is not affected by any kind of feelings.
Ethical Issues
According to wells (1994) ethics are terms of a code of behavior appropriate to academics and the conduct of research. As a researcher ill make sure right ethical behavior is followed while conducting my research. As a student ill not only be representing  but will also be interacting with my potential employer. So ill make sure the privacy of participants. And the purpose of research will be made clear at the start and it will be made sure that all the information and data collected will be used and reported as anonymous participant’s views.


1. Roga, L. Freeman,(2004). Telecommunication System Engenring 4th edition, p.01.
2. Carl, R. Nassar,(nd) . Telecommunication demystified a streamlined course in digital communication (and some analog) For EE students and Practicing Engineers, p.03.
3. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.propakistani.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Tele_Density_March_2009.jpg&imgrefurl=http://propakistani.pk/2009/07/15/telecom-indicators-july-2008-to-march-2009/&usg=__V97vup63VkA5lN-Ba1s0j3MtNnE=&h=370&w=457&sz=46&hl=en&start=212&zoom=1&tbnid=i_gFUc8Ywg2CvM:&tbnh=161&tbnw=199&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtelecom%2Bindustry%2Bin%2Bpakistan%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26prmdo%3D1%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D659%26tbs%3Disch:10,6152&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=151&vpy=286&dur=1338&hovh=202&hovw=250&tx=133&ty=65&ei=gBWWTLOqNdG6jAfo4N3JBQ&oei=_hOWTNSgGsKRjAe72KmRBQ&esq=11&page=12&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:212&biw=1366&bih=659
4. www.pta.gov.pk
5. Gerard Blokdijk, (2008). Business Management 100 success secret, p.42.
6. Cecile Nieuwenhuizen, Dirk Rossouw, (2008). Business Management a contemporary approach, p.337.
7. Richard, L. Draft,(2008). Organizational Theory and design 10th edition, p.179.
8. Gitman & Mac Danial, (2009). The future of Business,p.157.
9. Julie Battilana, Mattia Gilmrtin , Metin Sengul , Ane Claire Pache, Jeffrey A, Alexander, (2010). Leadership quarterly Leadership Competencis for implementing planned
10. Frank J Land, Jeffry M. Conte, (2007). Work in the 21st century an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology 2nd edition , p.299.
11. Jean Tirole,(1988). Theory of  Industrial Organization, p.62.
12. D, T. Armantino,(1986). Antitrust Policy the case for repeal, p.20.
13. Saunders, M, Lewis, P, Thornhill, A, (2003), “Research Methods for Business Students”, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, London.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Jobs in london

To search a job in London as hard as it is in anywhere in the world some time you been refused to tell that you are under qualified and some time you are over qualified. The biggest issue with finding jobs and interviews that when you see a vacancy it been there that five years experience required, ten years experience required which keeps the youth or the fresh graduates away from the vacancy. Some time I feel like why every organization is keen to employee the experience staff rather than to take fresh candidate. If they making a point that they have experience but on the other side fresh graduates have new skills enthusiasm  new ideas which make the companies to grow better. To a fresh graduate it some time take five to six years to get a valuable job but till that time the motivation, dedication and enthusiasm left far away from that person. If we change the system of our education from study to practical related and request companies to give chance to the new people to enhance their qualities we may can take the business world to its booming level.